Factorial number in c programming…
#Wap to find factorial number..
Q: What is factorial number ?
Ans:The factorial, symbolized by an exclamation mark (!), is a quantity defined for all integer greater than or equal to 0.
For an integer n greater than or equal to 1, the factorial is the product of all integers less than or equal to n but greater than or equal to 1. The factorial value of 0 is defined as equal to 1. The factorial values for negative integers are not defined.
Mathematically, the formula for the factorial is as follows. If n is an integer greater than or equal to 1, then
n ! = n ( n — 1)( n — 2)( n — 3) … (3)(2)(1)
If p = 0, then p ! = 1 by convention.
The factorial is of interest to number theorists. It often arises in probability calculations, particularly those involving combinations and permutations. The factorial also arises occasionally in calculus and physics.